Studying radiology just got a whole lot easier: Radiology Spaced-Repetition Flashcards
Study radiology faster and better with physician-curated online flashcard decks covering everything you need to know to pass your radiology exams. Learn from expert pre-made question banks or make your own flashcards. Powered by Synaptiq, the Flashcards come in an intuitive platform that leverages spaced-repetition technology to help you study radiology more efficiently and confidently than ever.
TRY IT NOW: Top Score Radiology Spaced-Repetition Flashcard Deck
Explore the Synaptiq App
- Each deck comes with thousands of pre-made physician-curated online flashcards
- Robust statistics let you visualize and track progress to build strong radiology study habits
- Fit studying radiology into your schedule with bite-sized study sessions accessible across desktop, tablet, or mobile
- Curate a one-stop flashcard library by easily importing Anki study decks to supplement pre-made question banks...
- … or create your own flashcards with the flashcard editor and collaborative deck builder
- Subscribe monthly or yearly
Top Score covers the breadth and depth of radiology and is designed to help you ace the Core & Certifying Exams. Decks exclusively covering Gastrointestinal Imaging, Neuroradiology, and Ultrasound imaging are currently available, with more subspecialties to come. Radiology Spaced-Repetition Flashcards are ideal for board prep and radiology review. They are the perfect study guide for radiology residents, fellows, medical students, and anyone who needs to effectively and efficiently learn radiology.
Study with a powerful and intuitive online flashcard app: Synaptiq's platform enables learners to leverage evidence-based spaced-repetition technology in the most user-friendly and accessible way ever. The app’s algorithm is designed to boost learning, with additional features that build strong study habits.
How it works: As your understanding of each radiology fact strengthens, the algorithm further and further increases the time until you review that fact again. You review each fact just as you are about to forget it, producing the greatest memory boost through the desirable difficulty phenomenon. This ensures that your time is only spent on areas that need improvement - not concepts you already know.
Top Score For The Radiology Boards: Adaptive Question Bank For The CORE and Certifying Exams
This flashcard deck has a simple ambition: to improve your test scores. It covers all exam categories, including non-interpretive skills (NIS), physics, safety, breast, cardiac, diagnostic radiology, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, interventional, musculoskeletal, neuroradiology, nuclear, pediatrics, thoracic, ultrasound/reproductive/endocrinology, vascular, and general radiology.
- Complete review for the Core Exam
- Q&A style adheres to the ABR style for multiple choice questions for graduate medical tests and CME
- Detailed answer explanations, plus high yield "Top Tips" for each case
- $125/year or $12/month
Gastrointestinal Imaging Q&A For The Radiology Boards Spaced-Repetition Flashcards
- Q&A expertly created by Humaira Chaudhry, MD and a team of expert radiologists.
- Covers all body imaging modalities, including CT, MRI, radiographs, fluoroscopy, and ultrasound.
- $49 for 12-month access or $5 for a monthly subscription.
Ultrasound Q&A Review For The Boards Spaced-Repetition Flashcards
- Q&A content created by an expert radiologist and educator, Adrian Dawkins, MD, and an impressive array of authors.
- Includes content that covers first and second trimesters of pregnancy, pediatric, renal, hepatobiliary, musculoskeletal, breast, neck and scrotal ultrasound, and physics for a more comprehensive preparation for the boards.
- Essential review for radiology trainees prepping for initial board certification and sonographers preparing for the boards.
- $49 for 12-month access or $5 for a monthly subscription.
Neuroradiology Q&A For The Radiology Boards Spaced-Repetition Flashcards
- Q&A content created by Michael Iv, MD and with contributions from other expert academic radiologists.
- This is a must-have study tool that will help radiologists prepare for and ace the Core, Certifying, and/or Neuroradiology Subspecialty ABR exams, and to improve clinical knowledge.
- $49 for 12-month access or $5 for a monthly subscription.