Media Type:

  • Edition: 9 2022
  • Details: 594 pages, 190 ill., Paperback (Perfect Binding)
  • ISBN: 9781684204915
  • Media Type: Book
  • Language of text: English

US$ 59.99*

Media Type: Book

Product information Essentials of Clinical Examination

Revised edition of widely acclaimed medical training resource features extensive and invaluable additions

Performing clinical examinations is an important skill developed throughout medical training and vocational experience. For nearly a quarter century, this learner-friendly handbook has filled a gap in the literature by providing an affordable and portable resource on clinical examination best practices. Essentials of Clinical Examination, 9th Edition reflects contributions from 119 medical students, 44 residents, 16 artists, 6 layout editors, and 38 esteemed faculty members at the University of Toronto. Supported by Toronto Medical Student Publications, each chapter has been thoroughly reviewed by expert residents and faculty members in their respective specialties to ensure the highest caliber content.

Created by health learners for health learners, this highly accessible, evidence-informed reference is indispensable for clinical rotations and OSCE preparation. All 24 chapters underwent extensive revisions to reflect the most pertinent, up-to-date information. Section one provides overviews of major anatomy and body systems, while section two is organized by subspecialty. Each of the subspecialty chapters is consistently formatted with detailed and clear explanations covering clinical history, common presentations, differential diagnoses with distinguishing clinical features, and physical examination maneuvers.

Key Highlights

  • The addition of new summary tables, detailed diagrams, and improved graphics enhance understanding and retention of knowledge
  • New social, pediatric, and geriatric awareness pearls help learners better contextualize concepts through a culturally and socially sensitive lens
  • Integrated clinical questions at the end of each chapter enable readers to consolidate knowledge and apply it to real-life situations encountered during rotations

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