Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke

Medical, Imaging, Surgical, and Interventional Approaches

Bernard Bendok, H. Batjer

Media Type:

  • Edition: 2 2025
  • Details: 484 pages, 584 ill., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9781684200436
  • Media Type: Book
  • Language of text: English

US$ 279.99*

Media Type: Book

Product information Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke

A transdisciplinary approach to the medical, radiologic, interventional, and surgical treatment of stroke

In the last decade, advances in interventional, microsurgcial, radiosurgical techniques, medical approaches, and imaging technology have dramatically changed the management of ischemic stroke. Perhaps the most important advance has been the increasing collaboration between multispecialty clinicians to deliver team-based stroke care. Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke, Second Edition by renowned neurosurgeons Bernard R. Bendok and H. Hunt Batjer and acclaimed contributors provides a user-friendly, single resource for managing ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. The second edition has been updated to reflect progress, most notably acute evaluation and triage, advanced imaging, critical care and medical support, and endovascular and surgical interventions. In addition to scientifically supported content, readers will benefit from pragmatic, real-world applications and concise, practical reviews.

Organized into four sections and 41 chapters, the text starts with the section Acute Triage, which includes early diagnosis and medical decision-making, advances in medical imaging, innovations in prehospital management of stroke, and the promise of telestroke networks. The second section, Critical Care, covers the importance of astute clinical examination, stabilization, and advanced neuromonitoring techniques. The third section, Open Surgical, Minimally Invasive, and Microsurgical Approaches, reviews recent surgical innovations that have the potential to be lifesaving and enhance quality of life in select patients. The fourth and final section, Neurointerventional Approaches, explores recent innovations in image-guided catheter techniques to deliver new therapies for stroke treatment and prevention.

Key Highlights

  • The often difficult yet important adjudication of antithrombotic medication use
  • Insightful discussion of the importance of prehospital systems of care and stroke center certification
  • Insightful discussions of interventional and microsurgical approaches for hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke management
  • Medical illustrations and author-narrated videos provide a visual learning experience
  • Clinical pearls and case presentations enhance learning and retention of knowledge

The goal of this book is to increase collaborative stroke management among neuroradiologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroanesthesiolgists, neurologic critical care physicians, and allied health care professionals to achieve better patient outcomes.

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