Endoscopic Laser Surgery of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract

With Special Emphasis on Cancer Surgery

Wolfgang Steiner, P. Ambrosch

Media Type:

  • Edition: 1 2000
  • Details: 160 pages, 298 ill., ePub
  • ISBN: 9783132581012
  • Media Type:
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  • Language of text: English

US$ 179.99*

Media Type: E-Book (EPUB)

Product information Endoscopic Laser Surgery of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract
Learn how to use a powerful medical advance in head and neck oncology - from the masters of the technique! Endoscopic Laser Surgery of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract Wolfgang Steiner, MD, Professor, ENT Clinic, University of Gottingen,Germany Petra Ambrosch, MD, Private Professor, University of Gottingen, Germany The name Wolfgang Steiner is synonymous with transoral laser microsurgery for head and neck cancer. He has tirelessly promoted this innovative technique throughout the world and his clinic is considered the pioneering center in Europe. Thousands of students and practitioners have benefited from his teaching and lectures, allowing them to treat selected patients more safely and effectively than ever thought possible. Now for the first time, you have at your fingertips Dr. Steiner's detailed, step-by-step techniques for transoral laser microsurgery of the head and neck, showing how to excise tumors, preserve the larynx and other key structures, and dramatically decrease mortality. You will learn the insights and technical refinements that allow you to tailor your surgery to the extent of the cancer, even eradicating it in certain localized areas. You will see how to work in a fraction of the time, avoid complex throat and neck reconstructions, preserve voice structures, and greatly enhance the patient's quality of life. Special features of this landmark book include: - Written by the developers of this innovative, minimally invasive technique - 300 endoscopic color images and explanatory drawings illustrate the diagnostic and surgical procedures on a step-by-step basis - Ideal for students as well as for practitioners seeking to broaden their treatment options - Offers an introduction to a rapidly growing standard in the field of head and neck oncology. For the beginner as well as the experienced surgeon, this book offers masterful guidance on using modern laser technology to perform conservative laryngeal and other head and neck cancer surgeries, resulting in well-documented, lower morbidity rates. It will upgrade and enrich your skills and open a wide range of treatment options that you can offer your patients. Stay up-to-date with new technology; reserve your copy today! "To those who believe, no explanation is necessary, but the Steiner book delivers technical refinements and insights that will expand the surgeon's skill. To those who are skeptical, the book addresses the basic principles of . . . a great adventure and probably the major positive change in head and neck oncology of the last three or four decades" From the Foreword by Lawrence W. Desanto, MD, Professor Emeritus, Mayo Medical School, Rochester, Minnesota 2001/145 pp./300 color illus./hardcover/ISBN 0-86577-904-X/$129.00 Contents: Introduction. Preparing Surgery. Endoscopic Laser Microsurgery of Benign Diseases of the Trachea and Esophagus. Endoscopic Laser Microsurgery of Malignant Diseases of the Trachea and Esophagus. Anesthetic Problems Associated with ENT Laser Surgery. Application of Laser Surgery of the Larynx in Phoniatric Disorders. Laser Techniques and Protection Against Radiation. Future Perspectives. Literature. Index.

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Wolfgang Steiner, Petra Ambrosch